On 19 April at 3pm CEST Fabrica presents an online lecture by creative director Tyler Whisnand titled “Helpful Communication”.
We have the opportunity to create communication for many different reasons: to convince, inspire, entertain. But, perhaps, the most compelling reason to communicate is to be helpful and offer the world something meaningful.
As a creative director of communication, Tyler Whisnand has endeavored to put forth into the world messages that have purpose.
In this talk he will present examples of work he has done for companies, products, brands and initiatives across many different mediums.
Tyler has led creative departments and worked for both clients and communications bureaus, including Wieden+Kennedy, Apple, Google and KesselsKramer.
Many of the values that influence his work began when he wrote and edited COLORS magazine.
Tyler Whisnand’s lecture is part of Fabrica’s “Archaism” residency program curated by Carlos Casas.
Portrait by Inge Schoutsen