Safe Place

 Safe Place

Safe Space is a film installation involving a childlike fort where people can enter to watch a film that talks directly to their inner child about the challenges they faced growing up.


This film and its process serve as a place where their inner child and younger self can understand what was happening, while simultaneously narrating the beauty that the future holds for them. Through this production, they explore how this violence affected them, and despite the persistent and constant presence of violence, people can continue to find forms of beauty and peace in their lives.


To visually and conceptually narrate this film, they would like to use the archive material their parents shot throughout their childhood and some other pictures and drawings they made.

They/Them | Film Director | Madrid, Spain


From Spain, they graduated in Film Directing from ECAM, focusing on documentaries at NYFA and on 2D and 3D Animation at UIB.


They curated the program for Cinezeta in the Cineteca de Matadero in 2021-2022. They directed Plastic Touch (2022), taking part in the official sections of the Morbido Film Fest of Mexico, FICTV, Final Girls Berlin, Sombra Festival de Cine Fantastico Europeo, and obtaining the Jury Award for Best Film in the LesGaiCineMad Dissident Section as well as the Audience Award. They also co-directed the short film Cleo Is Coming Over Tonight, a self-produced film in which they even play, with Miguel Guindos.


The film won the Semana del Cine de Medina del Campo and is part of the D’A Film Festival’s Official Section.